What Jordan Belford,
‘Leonardo DiCaprio’s”
character, was trying to
teach is that you need
to gather intelligence..
Let me explain..
In Jordan’s
book The Way Of The
Wolf, he tells a story
about a newbie firm
member to do the same..
So the newbie painstakingly
attempted to sell him
the pen with no luck or
understanding of the
Then Jordan, DiCaprio’s
character, had a seasoned
natural born salesman of
the firm show the cadet
how it’s done.
The veteran salesman
asked Jordan a question.
“Mr. Belford are you in
the market for pens?”
Jordan responded “No.”
Then the seasoned vet
through the pen back to
Jordan and told the
cadet.. “I don’t sell to
people stuff that they
do not need. I’ll leave that
job to Rookies like
applies to you {{ subscriber.name }}
Think about what your
Is your target market
in a desperate need,
want, and desire
for your product?
I see the struggling in
the spam fest facebook
groups doing is all the
Selling stuff to folks
that don’t need it or
desire it.
Butting heads against
their leads that are
are doing the same thing.
[The Alpha competing
against The Alpha mentalities..]
Those kinds of competitive
sales environments lead
to both parties being
disappointed with ZERO
sales to show for.
How can you combat this
you ask?
Start a facebook group
and fill in the survey
questions to gather
For more of the inner
workings of these dynamics
HURRY! Only 2 spots left!
Bonuses include:
[+] 30 minute Super Power
Extracting Zoom session
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($497 Value)
[+] Catalyst Newsletter Mailing to your
group to speed your group growth up
so you can feed the Algo what
it needs to spit out automatic
free leads to your pipeline
($1997 Value)
[+] Guest Post on our Blog so you
can reach more happy customers
($97 Value)
[+] Full funnel access to our course
FB Affiliate Influencer 2.0 so you can
unlock your red hot buyer’s
($197 Value)
A Total VALUE Of $2,788 all
for the price of your local
Starbucks favorite..
See you on the inside,
Chris Ramirez